Intellectual Property Rights

Studies are conducted for supporting and protecting applications of our stakeholders regarding patent, utility model and industrial design registration regarding outcomes of their projects and adding these projects for our country’s economy with commercialization studies.

Intellectual Property Rights       

  • Informing and correctly directing our stakeholders regarding Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights.
  • Directing our stakeholders on the subject of monitoring technology over patent data before they start R&D projects and ensuring that the R&D projects are shaped in accordance with known status of technology.
  • Providing consultation service regarding the subjects of industrial design, utility model and patent.
  • Supporting our stakeholders in patent, utility model and industrial design processes and founding application service fees in form of grant within the scope of TeknoDestek Program managed by Teknopark Istanbul TTO.
  • Supporting the preparation of preliminary survey regarding Intellectual Property Rights and monitoring-managing application processes.


  • Analyzing industrial value and life expectancy of inventions which are produced as a result of R&D studies.
  • Preparing preliminary survey regarding commercialization.
  • Preparing patent or company evaluation reports.
  • Meeting with investors regarding patented products and making presentations.
  • Commercialization of inventions with transfer/licensing method.