Project Development

Studies are conducted for ensuring maximum benefit from grant/support programs by creating an R&D and Innovation Culture in our stakeholders, providing for our stakeholders need for academic consultancy and making laboratory infrastructures of universities available for our stakeholders at advantageous prices with University-Industry Collaboration. 

Project Support Model

  • Conducting meetings with our stakeholders to identify the needs.
  • Forming a road map regarding which grant and support programs may benefit our stakeholders in which stage in accordance with their abilities.
  • Conducting detailed notification regarding published national and international project support calls.
  • Supporting formation of project teams for planned multidisciplinary studies.
  • Supporting project creation, submitting and application processes.
  • Contacting universities to identify the most appropriate academicians in accordance with academic consultation needs.
  • Gathering Teknopark Istanbul and universities to make joint project applications.
  • Supporting our stakeholders for international grant and support programs, and investigating appropriate consortiums for joint project applications.
  • Mediating applications of scientific studies in universities to our stakeholders.
  • Mediating support of business ideas from our stakeholders with means of universities.
  • Providing technical, administrative, financial and legal support for the relevant parties during contracts and collaboration between University-Industry and Industry-Industry.

Academic Consultation Support Model

  • Conducting meetings with our stakeholders to identify technical needs.
  • Being in contact with University TTOs to quickly identify and present academicians who conduct scientific studies regarding technical field which needed by our stakeholders.
  • Sharing joint project requests from academicians to our stakeholders and contacting appropriate stakeholders to prepare joint projects.
  • Conducting works regarding inclusion of universities or academicians to projects about national or international published project support calls.
  • Providing technical, administrative, financial and legal support for the relevant parties during contracts and collaboration between University-Industry.

Technopark-University-Industry Collaboration Model

  • Organizing university visits to promote Teknopark Istanbul and our stakeholders.
  • Identifying fields which are focused by Universities and developing joint projects with Teknopark Istanbul and our stakeholders.
  • Ensuring that universities open post-graduate and doctorate programs in Teknopark Istanbul and our stakeholders benefit from these programs with advantageous costs.
  • Conducting studies regarding foundation of laboratories associating with universities in Teknopark Istanbul and ensuring that our stakeholders use this infrastructure with advantageous prices.

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